You-Zitsu Wiki Indonesia

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You-Zitsu Wiki Indonesia
School Landscape

Lanskap Pemandangan Sekolah

Advanced Nurturing High School ( (こう) () (いく) (せい) (こう) (とう) 学校 (がっこう) , Kōdo Ikusei Kōtō Gakkō), juga dikenal sebagai Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing High School ( (とう) (きょう) () (こう) () (いく) (せい) (こう) (とう) 学校 (がっこう) , Tōkyōto Kōdo Ikusei Kōtō Gakkō) di anime, adalah sebuah sekolah didirikan oleh pemerintahan Jepang untuk memupuk lulusan muda yang akan mendukung negara di masa depan. Ini memiliki keunggulan tingkat masuk perguruan tinggi dan dunia kerja 100%, dan dengan metode pengajaran yang diarahkan oleh negara, tidak ada upaya dalam mengejar masa depan yang diinginkan bangsa. [1] Luas kampus berdasarkan novel ringan, sekitar 600.000 meter persegi. [2]


  • Setiap siswa akan memiliki poin mereka sendiri untuk digunakan sebagai pengganti uang ketika membeli barang dan jasa. Tidak ada, dalam ranah alasan apapun, yang tidak bisa dibeli di kampus menggunakan poin.[1]
  • Setiap kelas diberi sejumlah poin kelas tertentu. Poin kelas akan berfluktuasi berdasarkan perilaku siswa yang berafiliasi dan hasil tes tertentu. Setiap bulan, setiap siswa diberikan poin pribadi yang sama dengan poin kelasnya 100 kali.[3]
  • Setiap siswa yang gagal memenuhi nilai yang ditetapkan pada ujian tengah semester atau akhir akan dikeluarkan. Ambang batas untuk pengusiran adalah 50% nilai rata-rata sisa kelas dalam mapel yang diberikan.[4]
  • Nama kelas A hingga D adalah sementara dan bisa berubah tergantung penetapan poin kelas. Kelas dengan total poin kelas tertinggi sekarang akan dinamai Kelas A, serta B, C, dan D, dinamai masing-masing dengan menurunkan tata tertib.[5]
  • Keanggotaan kelas tetap sama dari pendaftaran hingga kelulusan. Diperkirakan bahwa siswa dari tiap kelas akan menghadapi bersama untuk mengatasi berbagai tantangan dan semakin meningkat dengan melakukan ini.[6]
  • Siswa diizinkan bertukar poin pribadi di antara mereka sendiri. Perolehan poin pribadi siswa lain dengan kecurangan atau ancaman akan berakibat dengan hukuman berat, tetapi penukaran poin di bawah sedikit perjanjian yang dianggap sah akan diserahkan kepada kebijaksanaan pribadi.[7]
  • Siswa dapat memperoleh hak untuk pindah ke kelas pilihan mereka. 20,000,000 poin pribadi dibutuhkan untuk melakukannya.[8]
  • Semua siswa harus tinggal di perumahan dalam kampus dan dilarang meninggalkan kampus kecuali untuk alasan khusus tertentu. Dengan tambahan, interaksi dengan orang luar dilarang, termasuk keluarga dan satpam.[9]



The main characters, Kiyotaka Ayanokōji (who resides at Room 401), Suzune Horikita, and Kikyō Kushida, reside in one of the four building units that are used for dormitory purposes. Each of the units is a 15-storey building comprised of not less than 140 rooms that are individually divided among students. [1][3][4][8] The first seven floors above the ground floor are dedicated to male students while the upper seven floors are for the female ones. [4] These buildings are arrayed by a pair of elevators, and possibly a section where the fire exit is positioned. [4][5]

Additionally, each room in each building is designed to be minimal as possible and is enough for student's survival. [1][8] According to Kiyotaka's estimate, the room is about 8 tatami mats big, thus, 13.2496 m2 in area. [2] It is also known to have its distinctive security passcode which is accessible through duplicate green cards. [4] It is also known to be equipped with an internal telephone line system that is available all the time for all those that are residing in this area. [3]

The dormitory is known to be near to public spheres such as the park and boulevard. [4] Details about the head manor and dorm staff are yet to be revealed in the series.

Komplek Sekolah[]

Ruang Kelas[]


Desain Ruang Kelas Standar

Setiap ruang kelas disediakan papan tulis, layar TV, lemari, dan 25 meja siswa yang ditentukan, sebaliknya, di novel ringan, itu bisa bervariasi tergantung jumlah siswa di lapangan. Kamera pengawas juga diberikan di area ini. [1]


The main function of this area is to provide a standard meal to students with the exchange of private points. [3] The meals are priced with great diversity which is directly proportional to the taste they offer. [3] This area is also known to be under the surveillance of cameras. [1][3]

Ruang OSIS[]

This room is made for the activities related to Student Council's duties such as for holding a regular special meeting with leaders of successful classes for each year level and for management of local student affairs. [3][5][6] This room has a big U-shaped table with comfy seats. [6] It is also known to be equipped with a projector and automatic window blinders. [6] This area is revealed to be somewhere near the school's swimming pool. [3]

Kolam Renang[]

This area is one of the non-surveilled places inside the campus. It has three main sections: the main swimming pool area, the audience's seats located on the second floor, and the changing rooms. The main swimming pool area follows the race course suggested and prescribed by the Olympic Games, which is having 50 metres (164.0 ft) in length.


School Library

Perpustakaan Sekolah

This is an airconditioned area that is specially made for book archiving and referencing. [3] Other kinds of student activities such as group study and meeting are also allowed in the area. [3]

Details about the librarian and the library staff are yet to be revealed in the series.

It is also noted that the architectural structure of this building is somehow patterned to Akita International University's Nakajima Memorial Library.


This multi-purpose area is where the annual opening ceremonies and club fair are being conducted. [1] It is also used by the Basketball Club for their regular evening training. [3]

Keyaki Mall[]

Area ini adalah kompleks mal utama 5-tingkat Advanced Nurturing High School.


Di anime, area ini berada di dalam Keyaki Mall. [6] Tetapi, di novel ringan, area ini berlokasi di lantai pertama gedung sekolah. Itu kafe terkenal di antara wanita dimana mereka tidak hanya bisa membeli minuman tapi juga belajar dan berjumpa karena alasan duniawi. [1]



Pemandangan bagian depan SIVCAMERA

This area is inside the Keyaki Mall, the main mall complex of Advanced Nurturing High School. [6] It is an electronic store that offers various kind of services; one of which is for electronic device warranty repair. [6] This is where Airi Sakura, with the presence of Kiyotaka Ayanokōji and Kikyō Kushida, brought her camera in order for it to be fixed. [6]

So far, the only known employee of this store is Yukitsu Kusuda, who is now in custody of the police due to his attempted assault against Airi Sakura. [6][7]

Klub Karaoke[]

This area is inside the Keyaki Mall, the main mall complex of Advanced Nurturing High School. [5] Aside from offering rooms for disco and karaoke, alcohol and exquisite beverages are also being served here. [5] This location is often visited by Class 1-C students and some 1-D students. [5]

Ruang Publik[]

Dalam batas-batas Advanced Nurturing High School, kebanyakan area di ruang publik di bawah kamera pengawas. [1][3][7] Di sini juga sekelompok polisi aktif yang melakukan patroli di area ini secara tetap. [7]


This circular area is comprised of several benches on its perimeter with each of them facing the fountain at its center. [3][4][5]

Jalan Besar[]

Itu adalah area tanpa pengawas yang terdiri dari jalan kecil yang terbuat dari batu, lampu jalan yang banyak sekali, and pagar besi yang memisahkan antara daratan dengan lautan. [4][5]

Toko Serba Ada[]

Kolam Kesenangan[]

Staf Pengajar[]

Tomoya Mashima Anime
Tomoya Mashima
Class 1-A Adviser
Chie Hoshinomiya Profile
Chie Hoshinomiya
Class 1-B Adviser
Kazuma Sakagami Anime
Kazuma Sakagami
Class 1-C Adviser
Sae Chabashira Profile
Sae Chabashira
Class 1-D Adviser


Kelas 1-A[]

Artikel Utama: Kelas 1-A

Kelas 1-B[]

Artikel Utama: Kelas 1-B

Kelas 1-C[]

Artikel Utama: Kelas 1-C

Kelas 1-D[]

Artikel Utama: Kelas 1-D


Yukitsu Kusuda Anime
Yukitsu Kusuda


  1. 1,0 1,1 1,2 1,3 1,4 1,5 1,6 1,7 1,8 You-Zitsu Novel Ringan dan Anime — Volume 1 dan Episode 1
  2. 2,0 2,1 You-Zitsu Novel Ringan — Volume 1
  3. 3,00 3,01 3,02 3,03 3,04 3,05 3,06 3,07 3,08 3,09 3,10 3,11 3,12 You-Zitsu Light Novel and Anime — Volume 1 and Episode 2
  4. 4,0 4,1 4,2 4,3 4,4 4,5 4,6 4,7 You-Zitsu Light Novel and Anime — Volume 1 and Episode 3
  5. 5,0 5,1 5,2 5,3 5,4 5,5 5,6 5,7 'You-Zitsu Light Novel and Anime — Volume 2 and You-Zitsu Episode 4
  6. 6,0 6,1 6,2 6,3 6,4 6,5 6,6 6,7 6,8 You-Zitsu Light Novel and Anime — Volume 2 and You-Zitsu Episode 5
  7. 7,0 7,1 7,2 7,3 ''You-Zitsu Light Novel and Anime — Volume 2 and Episode 6
  8. 8,0 8,1 8,2 You-Zitsu Light Novel and Anime — Volume 3 and Episode 7
  9. You-Zitsu Light Novel and Anime — Volume 3 and Episode 8
  10. 10,0 10,1 10,2 10,3 You-Zitsu Light Novel and Anime — Volume 7

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